Buttermax is the sub-brand launched by Active Theory in October 2023. I produced the debut website, designed to show off all of the studio’s cool projects. Buttermax.net features some gooey, liquid WebGL animations and super slick, futuristic 3D devices that push the creative envelope with unique mouse-tracking interactions. Without a specific brief from a client, this was the perfect opportunity for our designers, developers, and 3D artists to flex their creative muscles.
Buttermax.net won Site of the Day awards from Awwwards, The FWA, and CSSDA, and a Site of the Month award from CSSDA.
In addition to producing the site, I also crafted the brand’s social strategy and oversaw creation of social posts, increasing followers by 11,600% on Instagram and 472% on LinkedIn from October 2023 to April 2024. The posts featured the 3D devices with smooth animations and content from the studio’s best work.
Social video sample
Social video sample